Boys and girls of the parish 5th grade and older who assist at the altar during Mass. A training session is held in the fall for 6 weeks.
The dates are announced in the bulletin.
Men and women of the parish who volunteer to serve as teachers for our students who are learning about their Catholic Faith. Teachers, aides, and volunteers are always needed. Please call the office at 914-738-0670 and speak with the Relig. Education Director for information.
Parishioners who assist in the distribution of Communion at Mass and also bring Communion to the sick and homebound. If interested please contact the Parish Office at 914-738-1449.
Parishioners who proclaim the Scripture at Mass each day. A training session is provided prior before being assigned. If interested please contact the Parish Office at 914-738-1449.
Parishioners who serve as greeters to welcome people to church each week, assist in taking up the collection and the distribution of the bulletin at the end of Mass. If you are interested please speak to one of the ushers at the mass you attend.